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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Freedom Church--Un-Chained

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

John 8:36 (NIV)

Welcome to the NEW version of Freedom Church, "The Freedom Church Blog"!  In it I will share the same Radical Grace message that Freedom Church was founded on.  I will also continue to share information about the "Free Church" concept that Freedom Church was also built on.  It is my hope to communicate to a wider audience with this new un-chained, un-restricted format.  I plan to post daily thoughts and updates and periodic video teachings as well.  We will be developing a page for Pastor Carrie to communicate her heart and topics of interest as well. It is my prayer that the Gospel of Jesus Christ be preached to all corners of the globe through this media and that we will be enabled to network with and minister to members of the Body of Christ unhindered by buildings or geographical boundaries.  We will also be able to make arrangements to travel for ministry and teaching through this site.  

We are at a critical time in our country and one in which persecution of the Church is imminent and true ministers of the Church will be forced underground or through formats like this while the large, incorporated religious institutions will be forced to bow to the political agendas of our government.  There is a verse in the book of acts which reads "But if it be of God ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God" Acts 5:39.  The TRUE CHURCH will flourish even in these days but it may not look what we are used to.  The Lord has given us a vision and continues to give revelation about that vision and this new project will be the next step in fulfilling that vision.  Thank you for being a part of this with us.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Tony & Pastor Carrie
Freedom Church, USA



  1. As Pastor of Freedom Reign Community Church (formerly Freedom Church, Lansing, MI) it has been my honor and privilege to count Pastor Tony Garcia as both my friend and sometimes more importantly, my mentor. His approach to the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been an inspiration and an explosion of growth in my spiritual life as with everyone who attended Freedom Church, Lansing Campus. I still enjoy our time as we dig deep into scripture to reveal God's truth in His word in ways that make it easy to break down for even the newest of believers. I look forward to visiting this site and watching the impact Pastor Tony can and will have in your lives.

  2. Thank you for your kind words Pastor Doug, It has been and continues to be an honor to labor with you for the cause of Christ.
